The status report is designed to provide the ‘five minute’ view of the overall project status, and will be summarized from the individual project team members’ status information. This report will provide a high level assessment of the project activities, status grading for the overall project and each key deliverable, and identify issues/assumptions/risks associated with the project. Readers of the status report will be able to track each deliverable visually and identify potential problems, concerns, or opportunities for improving team performance against deliverables.
Due Dates:
Status reports should be completed once a month at a minimum. However reports may be completed more frequently as project dictates.
It is the function of the Project Manager (PM) to gather status information from individual team members each period and report their project status to project Stake holders. The Status Report documents will be stored in a common project share repository or project website as a means of communicating project activities and overall status to interested parties.
Update header information with Project Name and for which period report is covering.
Project Life Cycle/Phases:
- Indicate which phase of the project life cycle the project is in; Initiating, Planning or Implementing
- Identify each of the phases for the current Life Cycle Phase you are in e.g. if within the Implementing Phase you may be in Product Build Phase
- List Date Completed if Phase has completed or color code the current phase the project is in for over all project status. Red = Not on Track, Yellow = Warning, Green = On Track
Executive Summary:
- For each Topic; Overall Status, Schedule, Budget, Risks, Issues & Concerns give the current color coded status from the footer.
on track
Not on Track
- If topic is trending up or down identify that trend with the appropriately colored arrow
trending improved
trending declined
Bullet point out summary for each topic.